The Classic Outfitter’s signature style

Decorative wallpaper, patterned fabrics and textured upholstery are signature design elements of highly acclaimed interior design group, The Classic Outfitter, which uses elegant Xavier Furniture in its stunning home transformations throughout Australia.


The Classic Outfitter owner, Georgia Boyd, says Xavier ranges blend perfectly with decorative wallpaper, allowing the styles to harmonise and not compete.


“We love creating homes that are visually interesting, while emulating peace and happiness. Incorporating patterned elements with modern, timeless furniture allows us to bring in those artistic characteristics, while establishing a cozy look,” she says.


“My clients love the quality of Xavier Furniture, with solid mahogany featuring detailed design, and ranges to create beachy, coastal or country styles through transformative collections in white or rich walnut that go with everything.


“With textiles – the world is your oyster. They’re visually impactful and simple to incorporate, whether it be a slight touch with a cushion or a greater space, like a bedhead.


“Xavier Furniture creates a wonderful foundation for textured and upholstered pieces, creating a seamless blend that complements and doesn’t compete. That’s successful design.”

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